About Pearl Group
1992 saw the inception of the first company in the group, focused on providing empty container yard services in Palaspe, Panvel. Focusing on providing extremely high quality of service, and ensuring 100% customer satisfaction at all costs is what led this small startup to scale up rapidly, and expand into many other allied verticals, winning clients after clients.
From that small seed, the group today has ventured out and established a name for itself in Cargo Handling, Factory Stuffing, NVOCC, Freight Forwarding, Warehouse Management, Security, Staffing Solutions and Facility Management Services. Today, we employ over 4,000 people, and have handled over 5 million TEUs!
With offices across cities in India, Singapore, UAE and Malaysia, the Group has its vision set firmly on becoming a global player in the services that it offers.

Always on the lookout for talent, the Group continues to grow aggressively by hiring and working with the best people across the industry, and does not shy away from exploring verticals where it does not currently have a presence. With a board of directors intent on driving strategic growth, backed by a team of extremely dedicated professionals, its aggressive growth trajectory is something the group envisages continuing in the distant future.